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Programs & Partners

Through supportive services fueled by innovation and collaboration with our partners, Rosaleana's Community Development Center seeks to lead men, women, children, foster youth, and individuals with disabilities to be self-sufficient. We do that by focusing on four key impact areas outlined below: Health & Wellness, Housing, Financial Literacy and Educational & Career Development. 

  Special thanks to our sponsors & partners 

It is with the support of our sponsors and donors that we have been successful in serving the needs within our comuunity.

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RCDC provides housing programs along with supportive services to meet the various levels of need that those who are homeless , experienced homelessness, or have developmental disabilities. Our housing models provide case management and goal setting with a strong emphasis on accountability. We work with each participant to address the root causes of homelessness through programs to help with employment, money management, family skills, and more.  

Independent Living Program

•Independent living programs for young adults provide housing, on-site mentorship, and life skills programming to help young adults develop lasting and healthy habits. By giving young adults the opportunity to practice living on their own in a structured way, they can become fully prepared to lead an independent and fulfilling life. Some of the independent living skills young adults learn may include:

•Meal planning and preparation

•Time management


•Health and hygiene

•Financial literacy/management (Finance is Lit)

•Public transportation and vouchers


Community Living Alternative

This is our care service for those with developmental disabilities that fosters participation in social, recreational, and spiritual life within the community. Rosa Community Cares is a community living arrangement regulated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. We believe that individuals with developmental disabilities should have the benefit of a real-life within the community. 


We ensure that our homes maximize the comfort and quality of life for those under our care. Our experienced staff maintains clean and safe surroundings and adequate medical supplies. The dedicated staff is comprised of educated and trained professionals who follow the formula for a successful caring environment. 


A foundational principle that undergirds our organizations' existence is that society is not only a shared responsibility but also a moral obligation to support individuals with developmental disabilities. Supporting individuals with developmental disabilities, and engaging them in meaningful productive work affords them an opportunity to engage within the community to the greatest extent possible,


Health and Wellness

Our Health & Wellness Programs address health and wellness issues in low-income families that make it difficult for them to maintain stable family environments where their children will thrive. The program helps families gain skills, tools, and resources they can use in their homes to follow healthy lifestyles, increase readiness for employment and increase children’s preparedness for school.

Garden to Table

Cooking With S.T.E.A.M.

Cafe Rosaleanas

The Garden to Table program uses garden-based learning to engage students in the science, work, and joy of growing fresh food. It utilizes Math, Science, and English Language Arts lessons, as well as sense-based engagement, to introduce students to new foods, promoting healthy eating and physical activity

This is our food pantry and meals program. We offer supportive services to ensure men, women and children have access to food and resources to prevent hunger.

Particpants will learn the basic principles of nutrition and food safety, including its application in food preparation, menu planning and a healthy lifestyle.


Education and Career Development

The Education and Career Development Program supports access and success in higher education and bridges the gaps between education and workforce success by:


•Exploring and developing new tools to improve the fairness, equity, and efficacy of the applications and admissions process in higher education •Advancing workplace training and assessment

•Advancing the knowledge, skills, and competencies that are critical to workplace success

Literacy Program

Workforce Development

We offer various levels of reading and writing, mathematics, computer training, and GED preparatory classes. Our family literacy programs foster reading for the entire family, ensuring parents and grandparents have both the literacy skills and knowledge of strong learning behaviors that they need to reinforce what their children are learning in school and assist with homework.

Our workforce development program prepares unemployed and underemployed individuals to find meaningful employment.

Existing vocational training tracks include Hospitality, Culinary,  and Janitorial/Construction.


Financial Literacy

Finance is Lit is changing the way children and adults around metro Atlanta think about money. Our curriculum is based on State Standards.

Finance is Lit!

Our financial literacy program provides engaging, real-world experience for an education they will never forget. We partner with government departments, large nonprofit organizations, and agencies to support at-risk youth and increase math scribes for graduation.

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